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Maintenance fees go up. FACT.  And that is true of all properties, but sometimes it can seem like the fees cost more than the property.  If you find yourself in that type of situation GIVE US A CALL, there are several really elegant solutions to a property whose maintenance fees have gotten too large.  Sometimes you sell it and walk away and sometimes you can trade or exchange, so to speak, one property for another one with lower fees.  Now your old timeshare will want talk you out of this option, because they want your maintenance fees, but it can be an option especially if you like your vacations just not the fees 

You don't need to pay for a timeshare appraisal. Our timeshare resale experts can help you determine your timeshare’s value with NO OBLIGATION. Accurately pricing your timeshare is one of the most important factors in expediting the resale process. We want to make sure that you have all the resources you need to sell a timeshare, including reliable information about your property’s timeshare value and others like it. Please GIVE US A CALL if you would like our assistance.  We can also give you an idea if your maintenance fees ARE growing faster than comparable properties which can effect valuation as well.


Realistic Timeshare Valuation
Stop the High Maintenance Fees

These are just a few of the details that can come up when selling a timeshare.  This is by no means an all inclusive list, if you need that give timeshare services a call and we can offer specific suggestions ...  

Timeshare Selling Advice

Avoiding Timeshare Scammers
Problems with Deed Transfers

Overall, the majority of resorts have a simple, but often time-consuming and costly, procedure for title transfers. And there are resorts that are more difficult to deal with that others. If you are dealing with a company that charges an upfront fee and doesn't guarantee the title transfer by a certain date, you may not be able to transfer that deed if any problems arise, and you likely will not get your money back.  You can GIVE US A CALL if you are unsure what to do.  We always recomend a trusted, professional title company like Timeshare Services.  We don't ask you for money upfront our company executes the entire closing procedure, which includes: deed preparation, escrow of funds, timeshare estoppel certificate, closing statements and recording fees—all for one low flat rate, invoiced to you ONLY after the new deed has been recorded.


The FTC and state consumer protection agencies have shut down dishonest timeshare resellers for bilking timeshare owners out of millions of dollars. Unfortunately, there are still companies like this out there doing business. If you’re selling a timeshare, listen carefully for the promise of lots of money quickly and a request for an upfront fee. Those are two key signs of a timeshare resale scam — don’t walk but run from these types. Please GIVE US A CALL if you are unsure, and want some free advice, Timeshare Services will never charge you money upfront for anything we do and we never charge you for information.  In rare cases, some timeshare properties have even had issues with their business practices.  Most properties want you to be happy, but they want you to be happy at THEIR property.  In the end, the property is not always interested in what is best for you – WE ARE.


Reasons To Sell a Timeshare
Do-It-Yourself or DIY Timeshare Problems 

There are numerous reasons why owners want to sell their timeshare. Predominately, the rising maintenance fees are the main motivation, especially if the owner chooses not to use the timeshare anymore. (There are several option to fix this issue) Another reason is not being able to travel due to health issues and doctors restrictions. Perhaps the timeshare worked well for the owner, but would put undue financial pressure on children if it were passed down.  Also, as an inheritance it might just be something the kids would fight over and the parents just want to avoid that by sell it and not passing it down. (Inheritance issues are real and unique and solutions are many and varied give us a call)  Sometimes, for example, the reason is as simple as you live on the west coast, but own on the east coast, and it’s just too far to travel to that resort, and you never have enough time or points to book elsewhere. Whatever the reason may be, you can GIVE US A CALL for free advice on your selling options.


Selling a timeshare on your own is hard.  You don’t know for sure what it is worth, and the internet will only tell what others HOPE theirs might be worth.  The truth is most timeshares are sold by specialists, and the ones that aren't tend to be the problem cases that you hear about. There are many problems that can arise if you are trying to transfer a deed yourself. We recommend a trusted, professional title company like Timeshare Services. Our company executes the entire closing procedure, which includes: deed preparation, escrow of funds, timeshare estoppel certificate, closing statements and recording fees—all for one low flat rate, invoiced to you ONLY after the new deed has been recorded. Any work done to the title is reviewed by a licensed attorney and is guaranteed to be precise. If you would like to know more about the problems that can arise from doing this yourself, please GIVE US A CALL.  AND REMEMBER NEVER GIVE ANYONE MONEY UPFRONT!


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