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timeshare sales options information
Trade your Timeshare:


In some instances, with a qualifying property, individuals have the option to trade from one ownership to another type of ownership, or from one location to another. For example, an individual that lives on the east coast and owns a timeshare on the east coast, moves to the west coast and it is too costly to go back to their east coast property. If you would like to find out more information or to see if your property qualifies, GIVE US A CALL ABOUT TRADING YOUR TIMESHARE and we can look at specific details.  And, many times trading offers you a chance to get more vacation time as different properties accure different useage.  Each case is individual, so if you want information EMAIL US YOUR TIMESHARE INFORMATION.

Sell my timeshare
timeshare selling information


Rent your Timeshare:


Generally, this technique is used by individuals that don't want to get rid of their timeshares.  It can be a great choice to solve temporary issues, but is rarely a good long-term solution.  This is one of those things that is hard to do on your own.  You can always let the resort try and do it, but often you get mixed results, because they would rather sell a timeshare then rent yours.  So, if you want to be sure that you can get it rented you might want to GIVE US A CALL ABOUT RENTING YOUR TIMESHARE and we can look at the specific details of your particular property and give you some realistic advice regarding renting your timeshare.   

Hire a Timeshare Specialist:


In most cases, hiring a timeshare specialist can be less costly than using a real estate agent or attorney, because of the large fees that they charge to assist you, and as they do not typically work in the timeshare industry on a daily basis, accurate valuation can be a question.  Timeshare sales companies work solely in the timeshare industry and have years of experience in regards to timeshares and sell only timeshares. If you would like some free advice from a company that is expert and professional, please CALL ABOUT YOUR TIMESHARE Timeshare Services is here to help you.  Too busy to call?  Shoot us an EMAILWITH YOUR TIMESHARES INFO and we will give you a true evaluation of your properties potential.

Walk Away from your Timeshare:


It's not that simple to just walk away from a deed. Your timeshare is a deed.  The terms of your contract probably read something like this: "Binding on heirs, executors, successors and assigns." There are consequences to this choice which affect your credit rating and your heirs, which are stipulated in the contract that you signed. Before you choose this option, please GIVE US A CALL ABOUT SELLING YOUR TIMESHARE so that we can give you some free help and maybe a different option or two.

Donate Your Timeshare:


If you believe it would be too much trouble to sell your week at the timeshare you might consider donating and taking a tax deduction for it.


Warning: In order to legally qualify for a tax deduction, your property must be deeded to a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Beware that some low cost donation options may be skipping this step to keep their costs down. While this may seem like a bargain at first, it could lead to a very expensive audit.  GIVE TIMESHARE SERVICES A CALL today for a good description of the actual process of donating a timeshare, or to explore a better option perhaps you have not considered.

Hire a Real Estate Agent:


If you are trying to sell your timeshare yourself, this option is beneficial, because you know that the new deed will be prepared and executed properly. But in most cases, the fee for this service doesn't make a lot of sense, compared to the amount you are selling your timeshare for in the first place. A timeshare is not a traditional piece of real estate, thus brokerage is often optional. In most cases, there is no need to pay a commission for a real estate broker's services. Please GIVE US A CALL TO DISCUSS SELLING YOUR TIMESHARE for some free advice in regards to your timeshare property before singing a contract.

Giveaway Your Timeshare:


If you have grown tired of your timeshare or your timeshare's escalating maintenance fees, assessments, or perhaps just its lack of functionality GIVE US A CALL ABOUT YOUR TIMESHARE and we can walk you through some of the steps it will take to tranfer ownership.  If you find yourself in this position, you are fortunate.  It is the simplest option and in most cases it can be facilitated immediately. Although it is simple, it is still a process that must be executed correctly.  We have timeshare professionals that can make sure your timeshare is transfered out of your name and you are protected.  If you can't call, EMAIL US YOUR TIMESHARES INFORMATION - the name of the property and location - and let Timeshare Services can get back to you with more specific information about your situtation.

Timeshares For Sale By Owner:


There really is a rental/resale market, but the truth is, it is very limited and very few timeshare owners actually have timeshares that can be sold. Unfortunately, there are many timeshare owners who have been taken advantage of by unscrupulous businesses offering to rent or sell their timeshares properties for an upfront fee, all the while knowing that the timeshare owner’s properties will never rent or sell. At Timeshare Services we promise “sound advice from seasoned professionals who have your best interests at heart”. That means we're going to tell you the truth about the value of your timeshare whether you want to hear it or not.  If there is a chance your timeshare will rent or sell, we will give you a realistic expectation, not a false promise.  If you think rental or resale may be an option for your timeshare, GIVE US A CALL today for your Free Consultation.

Contract Cancellation:


Getting a timeshare contract cancelled is really hard unless you purchased it very recently.  Most timeshare sellers know your rights and their rights and to tend operate within those laws despite what you may hear.  There are however a few companies that operate less reputably.  For a cancellation you may be considering hiring an attorney, which is the most likely route for this type of a solution.  And it is going to be expensive, so before you open your checkbook GIVE US A CALL ABOUT SELLING YOUR TIMESHARE and let us see if perhaps we can find a less costly option.    

Legal Action get a Lawyer:


This option is used by timeshare owners that feel they were misled. The downside of this is that a lawyer will charge a hefty fee for his services with no guarantee of success. Timeshare sales contracts usually include clauses that disclaim any promises made during the sales pitch. The contract you sign will ask you to agree that you are making the purchase only on the basis of the representations in that contract. Prospective purchasers who notice differences between what is in the contract and what was promised by the salesperson are likely to be told that the contract is only legal jargon. This is not true. If a timeshare salesperson will not put a promise in writing, don't go through with the sale. You will be forced to argue afterwards that you relied on that promise, even though you signed a contract that explicitly says you did not rely on any promises.



Timeshare sellers are accustomed to handling claims from unhappy buyers and are unlikely to refund your money unless they're forced to do so. However, lawsuits can be expensive -- you may be out of pocket even if you win. If you are interested in some free advice regarding the actual success rate, based on the nature and validity of your claim, please GIVE US A CALL. *note we are not offering legal advice only offering to share our industry experience and what you are likely to encounter in this process for legal advice consult your attorney.

Get Free Advice:


Sometimes the best option is the one right in front of your face.  Selling a timeshare is a daunting task with many really good options.  But it is hard to know who to trust - WE GET THAT!  Timeshare Services is dedicated to helping people just like you make the best decision regarding your particular timeshare.  We offer free advice to anyone that calls us.  We offer paid services to those that wish to take advantage of our expertise.  But we never, ever make you pay anything until we have done our job which is to either tranfer or sell your timeshare, so  GIVE US A CALL today for a good description of the actual process of selling a timeshare and what you can expect if you do it yourself or if you want us to help you with it.

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